Expert Advice on Moving into a New House During COVID-19
As of mid-August 2020, Sheffield (and South Yorkshire) is not part of any local coronavirus outbreaks. If you’re planning on moving into a new house soon, then this is terrific news, as you’ll be able to do so with fewer restrictions.
Moving house in normal times is already stressful enough, but doing so during a pandemic can add tonnes more stress. To help you out, here’s some expert advice on moving during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Can You Move Right Now?
The good news is, it’s been possible to move house ever since late March 2020. If you haven’t tested positive for the Coronavirus and have kept exposure to other people at a minimum, then it’s safe to move right now. It is also allowed, even if you’re combining different households of people.
The government advises that you wash your hands frequently and stay at least 2 metres away from people who are not part of your household, such as movers and packers. If you’re showing any symptoms, then it’s best to postpone your relocation.
How Do Removal Services Work Now?
For house removals Sheffield, you can expect professionals to work in the smallest teams possible. That way, your exposure to others is minimised. Should any person show even the mildest of symptoms, the company will keep them home to quarantine for the safety of both their other employees and clients.
They’ll also pair up the same movers so they’re always moving furniture together. By keeping the same pairs instead of having workers mingle, this also decreases the chances of spreading the virus.
How to Work With Removal Services Safely
One of the main things you’ll need to do is thoroughly wash and disinfect your belongings before movers and packers touch them. Once they’ve arrived, you should keep your doors and windows open and give these people easy access to your bathroom for hand washing. If this isn’t possible, then have a large bottle of hand sanitiser of at least 70% alcohol for them to use.
While it’s customary to offer movers and packers refreshments, you should refrain from doing so. You need to keep contact with one another and items to a minimum.
Moving Into a New House Is Easy With Hallam Removals & Storage
We at Hallam Removals, your local removals company, work hard to help you relocate with as little exposure to Coronavirus as possible. We take all the precautions necessary to disinfect all surfaces, as well as practise social distancing during surveying and moving.
So for removals Sheffield, count on us to make the process easy and safe.
Book Us Today
As you can see, moving into a new house is an easy process when you hire Hallam Removals & Storage. Not only will we make your move less stressful, but we’ll also take all the necessary steps to minimise the chances of catching the coronavirus while relocating.
Are you moving house soon? Then request a quote from us now. We’ll schedule a free appointment with one of our local surveyors, who will socially distance when on your property.